Life together


Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another.

- 1 john 4:11


These are the regular gatherings and rhythms in the life of our church community.

Sunday Gatherings

Sunday Gatherings

We gather to worship as family every Sunday at 10 am! All are welcome to join us as we begin the week together placing God as our highest love.

Young Valley

Young Valley

Our young valley family are high schoolers who get together every Friday night to have fun and grow deep in God together.

Contact Harry, Patrick, & Bryre

Home Groups

Home Groups

We gather in homes during the week to grow deep relationships in smaller communities devoted to learning, living life together, breaking bread, and prayer.

Contact: Nora Zhong,



Arrows is our Kids community. We come together on Sunday morning with a focus on connecting with God in fun and exciting ways.

For under 3 year olds we have a creche called ‘Sparklers’ available.

Contact: Bernie Deverell,

Two by Two

Two by Two

Two by Two is an invitation to form a group of two to four people with the purpose of growing deep together and encouraging one another in our spiritual formation.

Contact: Sam Martin,

A Spacious Place

A Spacious Place

We gather frequently on a Wednesday evening for worship and prayer. This is a space to worship, listen, and grow in God as we are guided in prayer and openness to the Holy Spirit.

We also semi-regularly do whole day Saturday retreats!